Dr. Kao has been working on Yuri Kochiyama’s progressive Christian witness over the spring and summer.

She first gave a presentation entitled “Yuri Kochiyama: Global Citizen, American Dissident” at the Religion, Citizenship, and Globalization Workshop at the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Arizona State University from Marrch 16-17,

She next delivered an informal presentation entitled “The Life Witness of Yuri Kochiyama: Three Lessons for Asian American Christians” at the Asian American Theology: Promise and Challenge, conference at Princeton Theological Seminary on April 5.  

She then met with her Project on Lived Theology cohort from May 30 – June 2 in Chicago for the second time to get feedback on her work. (See here for more info about their first meeting).

She finally workshopped her chapter in a work-in-progress session at the annual APARRI meeting in July 20-21 in Claremont, CA.

Click the book image below to read her finished essay entitled “Setting the Captives Free: Yuri Kochiyama and her Lifelong Fight Against Unjust Imprisonment.”

Can I Get a Witness?
APARRI dinner 2017

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