Jane Hong Lee and Tim Tseng of Centering: the Asian American podcast interviewed Grace Kao about famed revolutionary activist Yuri Kochiyama.

Yuri Kochiyama held Malcolm X as he died. She was a Sunday School teacher, concentration camp survivor, and a unrelenting advocate for the dispossessed.

Grace Kao shares with listeners how Yuri’s Christian upbringing grounded her lifelong activism and how she can be a model for Asian Americans engaged in struggles for racial justice.

Feel free to listen to the episode by clicking on the image below.


Yuri Kochiyama & Centering
Can I Get a Witness? Book Cover

Dr. Kao has written about Yuri Kochiyama in the volume pictured to your left.


Click here to read her essay “Setting the Captives Free: Yuri Kochiyama and her Lifelong Fight Against Unjust Imprisonment.”

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