Grace Kao is a Senior Fellow in a two-year “Theological Education Between the Times” (TEBT) Project (Director, Ted A. Smith) which is hosted by Candler School of Theology, Emory University.

She is participating in Phase III of the project and their first gathering took place at Emory from April 27-29, 2023.

Other senior fellows include Lucila Crena, Hannah Hofheinz, John Kartje, Annie Killian, Caleb Maskell, Juan Molina, David Nacho, Janette Hur Ok, Julian Davis Reid, Angela D. Sims, Joanne Solis-Walker, and Matthew Wesley Williams.

Their conversation partners included Justo González, Willie James Jennings, and Mark D. Jordan, with project staff Corwin Malcolm Davis, Ulrike Guthrie, and Ted A. Smith.

Grace Kao with Roger Nam and Janette Hur Ok
Post-conference hangout with Emory colleagues

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