In preparing to teach exclusively online during AY2020-2021, Grace Kao completed an efaculty certification program at Loyola Marymount University with colleagues in other departments. They discussed how best to engage students in online classes as well as how to build...
Grace Kao was an invited participants in Auburn Seminary’s colloquium on RJ. Over the course of three days, participants met to discuss the RJ framework and the state of RJ activism. The consultation was convened by Rebecca Todd Peters and featured RJ scholars...
Grace Kao completed a three-day workshop at Perkins School of Theology at Southwestern Methodist University (SMU) as part of the Hispanic Summer Program Professor Kao and members of her cohort discussed the various ways they as non-Latin(x) faculty or staff could...
Grace Kao just completed a 2-day faculty of color workshop with colleagues at 5 Oregon/Washington area schools in Salem, OR at the tail end of her trip with other Claremont School of Theology colleagues to Willamette University. They got to know one another and also...
Grace Kao has begun a 12-week Faculty Success Program that is offered by the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). As a group they will set goals, hold one another accountable to writing, and learn to establish patterns for success. Press...
Grace Kao was awarded a 2017=2018 Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Grant with Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Linda Thomas to discuss “Teaching and Pedagogy as Racialized Bodies.” They met over two separate weekends in Chicago to discuss issues they face in...