Loma Linda U. Lecture

Loma Linda U. Lecture

The Center for Christian Bioethics and the Loma Linda University Health Humanities Program invited Grace Kao to speak about her latest book. She spoke on surrogacy from a Christian perspective and two LMU faculty responded to her talk: Grace Oei and Janice De-Whyte....
Vanderbilt Div School Lecturer

Vanderbilt Div School Lecturer

Professor Kao was the 50th Antoinette Brown Lecturer at Vanderbilt Divinity School on March 4-5, 2024. The title of her lecture was “Can Surrogacy be Feminist? How about Christian?” Dr. Kao enjoyed meeting with the Divinity school community, having dinner...
Author Talk at the U. of Chicago

Author Talk at the U. of Chicago

Professor Kao spoke about her latest book, My Body, Their Baby: A Progressive Christian Vision for Surrogacy, at an event co-sponsored by the Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion and the Seminary Co-op Bookstore at the University of Chicago. PhD...
Goodspeed Lecturer at Denison

Goodspeed Lecturer at Denison

Professor Kao was the Goodspeed Lecturer at Denison University from Nov 1-3, 2023. An invited guest of the Religion Department, she met with students and fculty over meals, guest taught one class (for Dr. Christine Pae’s Women and Social Ethics: In the Global...
Feminist Ethics Today

Feminist Ethics Today

Grace Kao was invited by the Religion Department to discuss her take on “Feminist Ethics” today. She wouldn’t have known it then, but this talk ended up being one of her last in-person events for several years due to the pandemic.  Press Inquiries...