Word & Way Book Review

Word & Way Book Review

This 128-year old periodical recently provided an extensive review of Kao’s book, where the reviewer–a retired ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) concluded that he believed her book would be “”well received by many...
RNS Book Interview

RNS Book Interview

Bob Smietana of the Religion News Service interviewed Dr. Kao about her latest book, My Body Their Baby: A Progressive Christian Vision for Surrogacy.  Click the image below to read the piece in full.  Press Inquiries for My Body, Their Baby Adam Schnitzer, Marketing...
Lived Theology Reading List

Lived Theology Reading List

Grace Kao’s latest book, My Body, Their Baby: A Progressive Christian Vision for Surrogacy, was featured on the reading for the Project on Lived Theology. Their write-up includes the following good words about her work: “Emphasizing the shared importance...
Author Q&A with Patheos

Author Q&A with Patheos

Melissa Borja interviewed Grace Kao about her latest book. They discussed what prompted her to write it, how and why surrogacy has changed since biblical times, the spectrum of Christian views on the topic, including her own. Click the image below to read the Q&A...
Q&A with Stanford University Press

Q&A with Stanford University Press

Grace Kao was the featured guest on an author Q&A with Stanford University Press as she discussed the “why” of her book, the process of writing, and what she hopes readers will take away from her latest publication, My Body, Their Baby: A Progressive...
Publishers Weekly Feature

Publishers Weekly Feature

Under the title “New Books Find Voices of Faith in Fraught Times,” Grace Kao’s  book, My Body Their Baby: A Progressive Christian Vision for Surrogacy was featured as one of two new books that discuss “in the public square…who...